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This department was originally under the jurisdiction of the Teachers Training College, which trained elementary school teachers. Owing to changes in the system, the department was later changed to the Sports Section and was included in the Department of Elementary Education. In 1993, after approval by the Ministry of Education, the Sports Section, and the Department of Elementary Education became independent departments.

The purpose of the establishment of this Department aims to train students to become elementary school teachers of physical education with a good knowledge of sports as well as general education.

The Department acknowledges the current social trends and meets the demands of national education reform. In addition, we incorporate the expanding methodologies at educational colleges and the career market. While adhering to departmental objectives and the above-mentioned trends, the Department divides professional courses into two sections: Sports Culture and the Leisure Industry. Students in the Department may major in one professional section according to their individual interests and likely future career. The Department is also currently being transformed into a non teacher-training department; therefore, curriculums in the areas of Sports Culture, Leisure Industry, and Sports Health Care will be adjusted.

This department combines sports sciences , sciences of health preservation , and administrative sciences (theoretical and practical courses), and aims to foster excellent manpower with an international viewpoint. In addition, the department includes sport science in conjunctin with industry analysis and planning that includes expert training in recreational activities management.